The Second Floor Wine Tasting Group: Miscellaneous Rules
At the moment, these are just some proposals that people have suggested.
- Use Yahoo polls to RSVP for tastings (so that host knows
how many people to expect)
- Use Yahoo polls to vote on rules
- At the meeting, expenses (wine, cheese, bread) are summed and
divided by number of attendees. Each attendee contributes his/her share
of the total expenses. Attendees should expect to pay about $20.
- Host should provide table(s), seating for twelve people and water
(tap water is fine). Extra wine glasses (in case people forget) and a
few bowls for spitting are greatly appreciated. Host should
expect that tasting will run approximately 4pm-10pm. Host is NOT
responsible for providing food and should NOT feel obliged to provide
food. One dish for the pot-luck dinner is more than sufficient. Host
should expect that some guests will want to use oven/microwave/range
to reheat dishes.
<-- The 2nd Floor Tasting Group Home
Created by Jason Rennie.
Last modified: Thu Jun 15 09:27:43 2006