tcpdump -np -i eth0 -s 1500 udp port 7001 rxdebug -server -port 7001
fs flushvolume .
#!/bin/sh export KRB5CCNAME=/tmp/krb5cc_$$.longjob kinit -r 8d aklog nohup authloop &> /tmp/$1.auth.$$ & nohup $@ &> /tmp/$1.job.$$ &Next, authloop:
#!/bin/sh while true; do sleep 5h kinit -R aklog doneNote that '8d' should be changed to the maximum renewable lifetime for your domain. To use, put both scripts in your PATH and run
longjob ./mylongrunningprogramIf you're at the lab, you can just use /afs/csail/i386_linux24/local/bin/longjob.
fs lq
sudo mount -o uid=jrennie -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows
sudo rpm -q --queryformat="%{DESCRIPTION}\n" packagename
sudo apt-get update
apt-get install PACKAGENAMEwill install the package PACKAGENAME, along with any packages it relies upon (assuming the package exists). Similarly,
apt-get remove PACKAGENAMEwill remove PACKAGENAME from the system. The command
apt-get updateupdates the package listings (this should always be run before installing a package).
apt-cache search REGEXwhere REGEX is a regular expression that matches the package name or a part of the package's description.
apt-cache policy PACKAGEwhere PACKAGE is the package name.
dpkg-reconfigure PACKAGENAME
dpkg-query -l PATTERNwhere PATTERN is a (command-line) globbing pattern (e.g. "cups*")
Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:nocaps"in the keyboard section of your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file in order to disable the caps lock key (it becomes a control key).