Learning User Preferences. Thesis Defense. December 12, 2006. 50 minutes. |
Using Term Informativeness for Named Entity Detection. SIGIR-05. August 17, 2005. 25 minutes. |
Fast Maximum Margin Matrix Factorization for Collaborative Prediction. ICML-05. August 10, 2005. 18 minutes. |
Understanding Informal Communication. Student Seminar. December 6, 2004. 40 minutes. |
A Hybrid Model for Co-reference Resolution. Student Workshop on Information Retrieval and Language. November 9, 2004. 20 minutes. |
Learning with Text. 9.520 Lecture. March 31, 2004. 80 minutes. |
Tackling the Poor
Assumptions of Naive Bayes Text Classifiers. Twentieth International Conference on Machine Learning. August 22, 2003. 20 minutes. |
Text Classification. 9.520 Lecture. April 9, 2003. 80 minutes. |
Automatic Feature
Induction for Text Classification. The Spam Conference. January 17, 2003. 20 minutes. |
Continuum Between Discriminant and Model-Based Classifiers. MIT Student Oxygen Workshop. July 17, 2002. 20 minutes. Best presentation award. |
Classification. 9.520 Lecture. April 24, 2002. 80 minutes. |