Jason Rennie's Matlab Code
MMMF Theory & experiments:
A Brief Introduction: How to run Fast MMMF
Examples of how to use this code for Fast MMMF: weak.m, strong.m. Unfortunately the data file (marlin.mat) is no longer available.
For the MMMF obj/grad functions, conjgrad returns a vector of all
of the parameters, U, V and theta. Here's how to extract:
U = reshape(v(1:n*p),n,p);
V = reshape(v(n*p+1:n*p+m*p),m,p);
theta = reshape(v(n*p+m*p+1:n*p+m*p+n*(l-1)),n,l-1);
Here's how to predict:
X = U*V';
Y = m3fSoftmax(X,theta);
Note that p is the number of columns of U and
V and hence the maximum rank of X. I.e. if
p is smaller than the smaller dimension of X, then
it constrains the rank of X. Ideally, p is set to
min(n,m), but, in practice, smaller values are used for
efficiency. A value of p=100 was used for my thesis
The Code
- Common Code (which you'll need to run many of the below routines)
- Optimization Routines
Example usage:
[w] = conjgrad(randn(d,1),@cgLineSearch,{},@m3fshc,{train,lambda,l},'verbose',1,'tol',1e-6);
- Line Searches
- Objective/Gradient Functions (conjgrad.m only)
- Maximum-Margin Matrix Factorization (MMMF)
- MMMF with fixed V (learn U, theta)
- Multiclass Classification
Note: this multiclass code sums loss over all classes (not just
the max-loss class, as is more common)
Note: these codes are designed for a collaborative prediction task
(hence the two-dimensional rating/label matrix). For a more
traditional multi-class task, assume n=1 so that Y is a row vector
containing the (positive, integer) labels.
- Binary Classification
- Term Frequency Models
- Standard Statistics Distributions
- Objective/Gradient/Hessian Functions
- Objective/Gradient Checker
- Use this to make sure your objective/gradient function is bug free: checkgrad2.m
- Evaluation
- Mean Absolute Error: mae.m
- Zero-one Error: zoe.m
- Maximum Margin Matrix Factorization
If you have AFS, you can simply run the following line from within
matlab (or add it to your startup.m file):
addpath '/afs/csail.mit.edu/u/j/jrennie/public_html/matlab'
Other People's Code
Other Code
- Naive Bayes
- Classifier Evaluation
- Breakeven - finds threshold that maximizes some function of the classification errors (use with functions below)
- Accuracy - number of correctly labeled examples
- F1-measure - harmonic mean of precision and recall
- R1-measure - harmonic mean of accuracy rate on positive examples (recall) and accuracy rate on negative examples
- Solving Ax=b and Mx=y for x - the Ax=b code assumes that A is
symmetric and positive definite; the Mx=y code is simply an interface
to the Ax=b code.
- Sparse Diagonal Matrices.
- Precision-based rounding. Select the number of
digits of significance to preserve.
- Safe, fast calculation of log-determinant.
Last modified: Wed Oct 7 08:48:19 2009