- 9/14/06 - Screen process to test low-rank issue is on karhu.
- 9/14/06 - Low rank S issue: L^L is PSD and Λ
is PSD, hence, their sum is PSD. We can only get a low rank S if one
of the entries of Λ is zero (or negative). Hmm... trouble is
I'm getting low rank even when all entries of σ are non-zero!!!
What's going on here?
- 9/14/06 - What I should really be doing in order to determine
the stopping point for CG is to calculate CV error after every
single/10th/100th iteration. The point at which error plateaus is
where I want to draw the cutoff. I'm running into the problem that a
single setting of eps may yield very different numbers of iterations
in learning each of the class models, which may be a reason for thie
somewhat high rates of error.
- 9/14/06 - What comes next after the factor analysis work? I
need to do the text clustering experiments I've been planning to do
for some time. See e-mail thread w/ Ron from June 7th. He used a
number of different data sets for experiments in his ICML paper and
has sent me pre-processed versions. I just need to run experiments.
Compare vs. mixture of multinomials and mixture of mixture of
- 9/14/06 - There actually isn't any need to randomize the data
since we are selecting equal batches from each class. Only reason for
the randomization would have been to ensure close to uniform
distribution of items of each class. Randomization only makes
comparison more difficult. I'm going to strip out the randomization
- 9/13/06 - CV code is ready-to-go. It's even set up to work in
a distributed fashion. I just need to start it running. Only
remaining thing that would be good to do would be to determine the
best epsilon value. I think 1e-3 is a good value, though I might use
1e-4 to be safe. Would be good to do some test runs to see if there's
any difference between 1e-3 and 1e-4 (in terms of error).
- 9/13/06 - I have cross-validation code working. One thing I
realized is that I should randomize the order of the data before doing
the cv splits.
- 9/13/06 - The normalization constant in faML.m isn't a problem.
The only part I didn't include is only a function of the size of the
data set (n and d). For the preliminary experiments I've done, n and
d were fixed. I've modified faML.m to calculate this additional
constant so that there are no issues with the cross-validation
- 9/13/06 - Something just occurred to me---do I need to
normalize the model for evaluation? I.e. when I calculate
negative-log likelihood on unseen data for testing, do such values
need to be properly normalized? I would think so since the digit
models have different parameters and hence different normalization
constants. Fortunately, we don't have to worry about normalizing the
trace norm, just the Gaussian from the factor analysis model. I.e. we
need to modify faML.m so that it yields normalized NLL values.
- 9/12/06 - I published the write-up of Factor Analysis
derivatives. I've also had success with test runs of conjugate
gradients. I am able to achieve convergence for a variety of values
of lambda ∈ {1,10,100,1000}. Next, I need to do some real
experiments. My main interest is in comparing traditional factor
analysis (FA) to FA w/ a trace norm prior in place of the rank
constraint. To do this, I should use cross-validation on the training
set to select the regularization parameter for each model (rank for
FA, lambda for trace norm prior). I don't think it's worth doing much
with the gamma parameters. Probably best just to set them to
reasonable values and not worry about them! I've been using
alpha=1,beta=10, but I think alpha=1,beta=1 is probably the most
simple and straightforward choice. I think 5-fold CV is a good choice
(esp. considering how long some of trace norm prior runs take), but I
should make the code general enough to do 10-fold CV.
- 9/8/06 - Okay! Not only does the code seem to be working
(using random initialization), but I've had additional
successes---after enough iterations (e.g. 10k), error goes way down,
to, and below, the best levels I've seen so far (not far from the 5%
noted in the README file for the data). Things I need to do today:
(1) finialize and publish my write-up of factor analysis math, (2)
make a plan for running the experiments, start writing the code.
- 9/7/06 - Wrong! Low rank S actually yields -∞ objective;
i.e. the probability measure changes when dealing w/ low rank S.
Hmm... for now, let's try going back to random initialization. Need
to think about this a bit more.
- 9/7/06 - Answer to the low rank problem: a low rank S yields an
infinite NLL (since normalization constant in Gaussian likelihood will
be zero due to det(S)).
- 9/6/06 - To make optimization faster, might be good to
initialize U & V so that U*V' is equal to the maximum likelihood value
for Lambda.
- 9/6/06 - Another advantage of FA w/ trace norm prior is that it
can vary the rank according to the needs of the problem. I.e. for our
digit multiclass classification problem, simpler digits (e.g. "1") may
yield a lower rank than more complex/nonlinear digits (e.g. "8").
- 9/6/06 - Code checks out, even works for 10 iterations and
bests regular trace norm code by a small amount. When I upped to 100
iterations, I ran into a rank error where rank(S) was less than 256.
However, when I modified the error message to produce more information
and re-ran the code, I didn't get the error. Not sure if this is a
real problem that I need to spend some time thinking about...
- 9/6/06 - Hmm... length of vector is d*(k+2)+k*k. Solving for k
is a quadratic problem. Wikipedia provides a good reference for solving
quadratic equations. Since d > 0, we always get the positive
solution. Just use the quadratic formula.
- 9/5/06 - Derivatives wrt U and V are written up. Just neet to
touch up the writing a bit and publish. Then, need to implement the
objective/gradient code.
- 8/24/06 - Next: write up derivatives of J1 through
J4 wrt U and V. Matlab code for trace norm prior FA is
- 8/22/06 - Next: write up how to use trace norm prior.
- 8/22/06 - It works!!! Factor analysis code is up-and-running.
Performance is even better than the linear classifiers.
- 8/22/06 - To do today: rewrite entire FA write-up w/ σ as
parameter for covariance matrix diagonal.
- 8/22/06 - Another idea for factor analysis/trace norm: assume
each data point generated from a separate Gaussian (identity
covariance matrix), penalize rank of matrix of stacked mean vectors.
- 8/21/06 - ψ (the covariance vector for the noise data) must
be constrained to be non-negative. This is easily achieved by
reparameterizing so that ψ = σ2. This is the
first order of business tomorrow! Rewrite the ψ derivatives in
terms of σ.
- 8/21/06 - To generate multivariate
normal data, generate standard normal data, X0 ∈ ℜn
× k, multiply by the transpose of a matrix Λ ∈
ℜd × k, then add μ ∈ ℜd
to each row:
X = X0*ΛT + μ
As n → ∞, the mean of the data goes to μ and the covariance matrix goes to Λ*ΛT.
- 8/18/06 - I recall that learning natural parameters of a
Gaussian (mean and inverse covariance) is convex, but learning for
other parameterizations (e.g. covariance matrix) is not convex. This
means that any minimum we find may be local. However, this does not
explain the behavior I'm seeing. The code isn't even finding a local
minimum (gradient doesn't go to zero).
- 8/17/06 - Hmm... I tried learning a very simple example and
even when I crank up the # of examples, the learned parameters don't
match the original parameters...
- 8/17/06 - The Ghahramani/Hinton
tech report on Mixtures of Factor Analyzers includes (beginning
section 2) a nice reminder of how to convert a standard normal
variable into any Normal. Wikipedia's
Multivariate normal distribution page also has the reminder
information: a n-dimensional random variable X is a multivariate
normal if it can be written as X=AZ+μ where A ∈ ℜn
× m, Z is a m-dimensional standard normal, and μ ∈
- 8/17/06 - What we need is a simple test-bed. A simple problem
for which we know the answer. How about 100 samples from a zero-mean
Normal with covariance matrix Lambda*Lambda'+diag(psi) where psi=[1 1]
and Lambda=[1;1]?
- 8/17/06 - Hmm... gradient descent is producing negative entries
in psi. I shouldn't be surprised. Negative entries in psi does not
mean negative entries in S. And, since Lambda is rank-constrained,
there may be cases where, in order to get the desired off-diagonal
values, it is advantageous to offset the diagonal values of
Lambda*Lambda' with negative values of diag(psi). We need to
constrain the elements of psi to be non-negative. Also, note that the
initial values for psi must be positive!!!
- 8/16/06 - Okay, I have the gradients for Factor Analysis (with
prior on the inverse variance diagonal). Time to code them up and see
if gradcheck2 gives them a passing grade! :)
- 8/14/06 - Would also be good to break apart the objective into
smaller piecs and attack each piece separately---calculate partials
wrt \mu, \psi, and \Lambda for each piece. I think this will make the
whole calculation easier as I won't lose context between different
variables. The way that each variable is handled for each piece is
very similar. When I do all pieces of the objective for a single
variable, I forget how I did the first chunk when I move onto the next
- 8/14/06 - We've been sloppy about the \sum_j (from the prior).
Need a different index from the variable that we're differentiating
wrt. For \psi_j, we probably will simply be left with S_{jj}, but for
L_{ij}, the interaction will be more complicated.
- 8/10/06 - Okay, it looks like I've calculated and implemented
the derivatives for ML factor analysis. But, I haven't integrated the
prior on psi. Need to do this today. Also wouldn't hurt to clean up
the writing a bit.
- 8/8/06 - I calculated, implemented and tested the Factor
Analysis derivatives for mu and psi. Just have L left to do.
- 8/8/06 - It appears that S. Geisser's "The predictive sample
reuse method with applications" (1975) was the first paper to show
that LOOCV is biased and to suggest something like k-fold cross
validation in its place.
- 8/8/06 - It's known that LOOCV is biased. I wonder if that
might have effected learning of hyper-parameter... Don't worry about
this for now.
- 8/7/06 - In addition to the generative/Gaussian FA model
extension, I should also apply the trace norm as regularization to the
linear classifiers (logistic, smooth hinge, (modified) least squares).
- 7/27/06 - Would be nice to do the LOOCV hyper-parameter
training using a bound on the classification loss. But, don't worry
about this now... need to get working on factor analysis.
- 7/25/06 - Okay! I now have results for (diagonal covariance
matrix) Gaussian likelihood, and multi-class classification using a
variety of (linear) loss functions.
- 7/25/06 - The i=1 case of sandbox.m for
~/project/factorAnalysis is a good example of how much difficulty the
code can have with a non-convex function. This could easily be made
more efficient. For example, the code is re-calculating the same
- 7/25/06 - It works! Betas for all digit classes are found w/o
problem. Has trouble with i=1 due to non-convexity. Would be nice if
we could try backtracking or secant first based on whether we are in a
concave or convex (respectively) region...
- 7/25/06 - I created a pround(x,p) function which rounds to the
specified number of digits of precision. I used this for objective
comparions in the line search and conjgrad and this fixed the issue I
was seeing. Ultimately, we should be satisfied if either (1) the
objective is decreased, or (2) the gradient magnitude is decreased and
the objective does not increase.
- 7/25/06 - Need to modify the CG & line serach code to ignore
differences beyond 10 significant digits (digits are noisy at about
- 7/24/06 - diagonal.m is rewritten. I also added verbosity
print-outs to diagonal.m and diagonalLOOCV.m to help display CG
progress. One thing I noticed is that LOOCV learning of beta for
digit 9 undesirably gets stuck in backtracking. Need to fix this.
- 7/21/06 - I need to rewrite diagonal.m so that it is
parameterized in terms of mu and psi.
- 7/21/06 - Okay, I can now learn beta for all of the digit
classes. What next? Well, I need to write a function that will
calculate likelihood for each of the models (using Xi and b as the
only inputs). Then, I evalute likelihoods on the test data!
- 7/21/06 - I fixed cgLineSearch.m. I correctly deduced the
problem. Once I set alpha=1 and didn't break (so that it could
calculate obj/grad w/ new alpha), it natural left the loop and went
into backtracking mode, which found a reasonable step-size, 1e-4 (much
better than the 1e-10 that it had been using!). It'd be nice to fix
the "negative alpha" warning message to indicate that this is normal
for a non-convex function.
- 7/20/06 - I think the solution is to set alpha to a large value
(e.g. alpha=1), update obj & grad (via an ogfun call), then "break."
If alpha=1 isn't a good choice, the backtrack code will be triggered,
decreasing alpha until a semi-reasonable choice is found.
- 7/20/06 - Hmm... what appears to be happening is that the
default step size of alpha=1e-10 is used if the non-linear
approximation doesn't work (yields negative alpha). So, the change is
in the correct direction, but it's so small that we never see any
progress in the objective. What we should do is switch to
backtracking (from a moderately large step size, such as alpha=1)
if/when the non-linear search fails.
- 7/20/06 - I've realized one problem with the optimization of
the hyper parameters---the (1-D) optimzation surface (for β)
ain't convex. I've found an example where the surface is quasiconvex
(level sets are convex), but not convex (i=8). Potentially, this might be
wrecking havoc with the line search. I thought backtracking was
supposed to handle this graciously, but apparently not!
- 7/17/06 - One thing is that it might be good to use the biased
(ML) estimator of variance. It seems that we might have to do
additional compensation due to the unbiased variance estimator...
- 7/17/06 - We need to make sure that the average of the ratios
(eqn. 17) is unity (or log of left-side is null). What's a bit tricky
is that the top of the ratio is the squared difference for example i,
and the bottom of the ratio is the average squared difference of all
examples except example i.
- 7/17/06 - What might work well is to set α=1 and find the
β that minimizes the LOOCV likelihood. My simple 1-D example
suggests that this approach might work---for any value of α it
appears that there is a value of β which minimizes the
likelihood. The reverse clearly doesn't hold---there are values of
β which are too small and would not allow us to minimize the
likelihood. The real question: can we prove that given fixed α,
we can always find a likelihood-maximizing β?
- 7/17/06 - There seems to be a chicken-and-egg problem here.
We'd like to set β or α to a constant and solve for only
the other variable, but what if we choose poorly and we can't achieve
the minimum with that setting?
- 7/17/06 - I've plotted the LOOCV log-likelihood as a function
of α and β. Though not immediately obvious, it appears
that there is no single solution, but rather a trough of solutions
along a line in the α/β space. Note that α and
β only effect the objective via the LOO inverse variance, ψ.
Though there are two parameters, ψ bottlenecks their effect. In
fact, using the formula for ψ, we can determine the line(s) in
α/β space in which ψ (and hence the objective) is
constant. Let D be the summed differences. Let ψ be fixed.
Solving for α & β, we get
n-2-Dψ = βψ-α
The left side of the equation is constant, so it defines a line
along which ψ remains constant.
- 7/13/06 - Need to do constant manipulation so that we can
interpret α as effective sample size and β/α as the
empirical variance of the simulated examples.
- 7/12/06 - Okay, so I've figured this variance prior thing out
(use Wishart/gamma as a prior on the inverse covariance matrix). I've
even worked out the math for a single training example. Need to
extend the math to a full set of training data.
- 7/12/06 - Page 5 of The Matrix Cookbook
gives the relation between the determinant of an inverse and the determinant of the original matrix: det(A-1) = 1/det(A).
- 7/12/06 - This paper by
Geiger/Heckerman on the Normal-Wishart distribuiton says that the
Wishart is the prior on the inverse covariance matrix (what they call
the "precision matrix").
- 7/12/06 - Yes, Wishart is distribution of sum of outer products.
S = ∑i=1n Xi XiT,
where Xi is a column vector, is distributed as a
Wishart(V,n) if the Xi ∼ N(0,V) iid. So, to use
Wishart as a prior on variance, it seems that we should multiply
variance by n...
- 7/12/06 - Still some issues to deal with. The
Wishart/chi-square/gamma is the prior for the sum of empirical
covariances, right? I.e. we need to multiply variance by the number
of samples before plugging it into Wishart/chi-square/gamma.
- 7/12/06 - Finally realized why a product of gamma's and the
Wishart have different normalization constants when I use a diagonal
matrix with the Wishart. The Wishart is normalized over positive
definite matrices. Slapping on a diagonal matrix doesn't mean that
it's normalized properly. To use the Wishart with our diagonal
covariance matrix, we'd need to re-normalize. Of course, we'd just
find that it's the same as a product of gamma's.
- 7/11/06 - The partition function of the Wishart
distribution appears to be related to the volume
of the stiefel manifold. Edelman's
handout #4 (page 8) provides a relation between the Gaussian
normalization constant and the surface area of the sphere.
- 7/11/06 - Wishart
is the generalization of the chi-square
distribution, which are both priors for the Gaussian variance.
The gamma distribution is a prior for the inverse variance. What I
wonder: if I set the positive definite matrix parameter of the Wishart
to the identity, V=I, why isn't the Wishart pdf simply a product of
chi-square pdf's?
- 7/11/06 - Wikipedia has nice discussions of maximum
likelihood, maximum a
posteriori, and (a very brief discussion of) regularization.
- 7/9/06 - Chat w/ Tommi about variance priors. While the
chi-square (gamma) is the distribution of sample variances, the gamma
is (also) the conjugate prior to the variance (for a 1-d Gaussian).
Generally, the Wishart
distribution is the conjugate prior to the (inverse covariance
matrix of the) Gaussian. The Normal is
conjugate prior for the mean. Hence, the Normal-Wishart distribution is the full conjugate prior to
the Normal
distribution. Tommi says that when the Gamma is taken as the
prior to the inverse variance (diagonal covariance) and the variance
is integrated-out, we get Student's
t-distribution. Hmm... I thought I might want to use the
t-distribution, but now I think not. The t-distribution would be
approprite if I had a Gaussian w/ diagonal covariance and I wanted to
impose a prior and eliminate variance as a variable (to be replaced by
parameters of the t-distribution). But, I don't have this situation.
My Gaussian distribution has a complex covariance matrix with two
separate priors. One trace norm prior and one (I have now decided)
Gamma prior. I don't think there's anyway I could marginalize over
the variance variables.
- 7/8/06 - Hmm... I'm seeing cracks in my idea. There's a good
reason for the specified number of degrees-of-freedom. Chi-square
yields a distribution of sum-of-squared values. I.e. to get (sample)
variance, you need to divide by the number of samples (size of the
sum). Now, if the parameter corresponding to the number of samples is
allowed to be ℜ, it's less clear what to do. Do we divide by
2α+1? I.e. the prior is
- 7/8/06 - We're not quite done yet. g(x|α,1/2)
isn't the prior. g(x|α,1/2) is the prior on values scaled by
1/σ2. I.e. g(x/σ2|α,1/2) is
the prior.
- 7/8/06 - Yes, I think we can. As Wikipedia notes, the
chi-square distribution is a special case of the gamma
distribution. In particular, if f(x|k) is the pdf for
χ2k and g(x|α,β) is the pdf for
the gamma
distribution, then f(x|k) = g(x|k/2,1/2). We get a prior with
width-control by using g(x|α,1/2) as the variance prior.
- 7/8/06 - A problem with my idea is we have no control over the
"width" of the prior. The width is controlled by the
degrees-of-freedom, which are set by the number of data points.
However, this is likely to be a poor choice. Better would be to
select, k, the degrees-of-freedom, via cross-validation, or
some-such. The fact that k is discrete is cumbersome. The
chi-square is a special-case of the gamma distribution. Can we devise
a nice prior which is a gamma distribution?
- 7/8/06 - Here's one idea: First, center the data (subtract mean
from each column of X). Then, calculate the sample variance on the
entire data set treated as a single vector (single-dimension random
variable). Call this quantity σ2. Then, use
σ2χ2n-1/n as the prior on the
variance of each dimension of the data.
- 7/8/06 - One thing that Cochran's
Theorem states is that the sample variance of n independent
standard normally distributed random variables is a chi-square
distribution with n degrees of freedom. It further states that
the sample variance, ∑i Ui2, can
be written as the sum of k < n variables
{Q1, …, Qk} with ranks {r1,
…, rk} such that Qi ∼
χri2. Also evident from Cochran's
Theorem is the fact that the sample variance (computed using the
sample mean), ∑ (Xi - X)2 has n-1 degrees of
freedom (multiply through by σ2 in the Wikipedia
example). In particular,
- 7/8/06 - Wikipedia also has an entry for the Student's
t-distribution, the basis for the t-test.
- 7/8/06 - The
Chi-square distribution is the sample variance distribution. Cochran's Theorem provides the connection between the
chi-square distribution and the sample variance distribution. Note
that Chi-square is a special case of the gamma
distribution. Also note that a variable Z is distributed
according to chi-squared (with k degress of freedom), Z ∼
χk2, iff
Z = ∑i=1k (Xi - μi)2/σi2,
where μi and σi2 are
(respectively) the mean and variance of Xi. I.e. Z =
∑i=1k Yi is only distributed as
chi-squared if the Yi are each distributed as a standard
- 7/8/06 - Note that we're modeling a covariance, which is really
a sum of squares, i.e. Sii = ∑i
xi2. We get a non-zero covariance by requiring
that the data not be constant (a continuous distribution over data
values would be sufficient). Hmm... if we put a Gaussian distribution
over data points, what is the covariance distribution?
- 7/8/06 - One option would be to use the parameterization
Sii = exp(ψi)φ (or Sii =
exp(ψi + φ)) and apply a Laplacian prior to
ψi. Note that the Trace Norm prior is a generalization
of the Laplacian prior...
- 7/8/06 - In the Hinton/Dayan/Revow work, they simply added a
small value to each of the diagonal elements to prevent zero variance
(pg. 15-16)...
- 7/8/06 - Q: what do we really want to achieve with the prior?
Let's assume no prior on φ. Using the S ≡ diag(ψ +
φ) parameterization, no prior will prevent Sii=0 if the
data on dimension i is constant. Can we prove this? Consider a
simple case: one-dimensional data, φ > 0 fixed. Assume that the
prior on ψ is finite for ψ=-φ,
i.e. Pψ(-φ) < ∞. Note that if
xi=0 ∀i, then the likelihood is
P(x|ψ,φ) = (2π)-n/2 (ψ+φ)-n/2.
Note that as ψ → -φ, P(x|ψ,φ) →
∞. Hence, the prior on ψ must be infinite at -φ in
order to prevent values of the covariance matrix from being
- 7/8/06 - For the factor loading matrix, we are using a sum of
singular value prior. That equates to sum-of-magnitudes for diag(S).
- 7/8/06 - How to regularize the diagonal covariance matrix? My
first idea was set S ≡ diag(ψ + φ) where ψ ∈
ℜd and φ ∈ ℜ, and to apply an
exponential(λ) prior to each value, P(φ,ψ) =
exp(-λ∑iψi - λφ).
While the exponential prior is appropriate for φ, it is not
appropriate for ψi, as ψi may take on
any value ∈ [-φ,∞]. To use the exponential prior, we
could re-define the covariance matrix, S ≡ diag(φψ).
Then, φ is the base covariance and ψi is the
multiplier for the ith dimension.
- 7/8/06 - Code for psi works with artificial data. Doesn't work
for real data, most likely b/c of zero variance for some dimensions.
Need to implement regularization on psi.
- 7/8/06 - Okay, looks like I have a working version for psi.
Just need to confirm that the learned values really are variances.
Next, lambda. Also, I need to add regularization for psi to ensure no
zero values. One option. Add new scalar parameter which is added to
entire diagonal. Then, regularize psi with quadratic penalty.
- 7/7/06 - I have a draft gradient/objective function for factor
analysis. It passes gradcheck2, but my conjugate gradients code does
weird things: infinite objective values, negative step sizes (alpha),
and too many resets. Something is wrong. I need to do a step-by-step
re-derivation of the gradient. First, just do the gradient for psi,
avoiding usage of formulas at the Matrix Reference Manual when
possible. Then, checkgrad2 that and run some test data through (make
sure that data has non-zero variance for all dimensions). Then, move
on to the gradient for Lambda.
- 6/30/06 - Here's a useful tidbit: det(A-1) = 1/det(A).
- 6/30/06 - First, I should try implementing PCA & Factor
Analysis! That will give me somewhere to start for the trace norm
extension. Might also be good to try a trace norm extension where we
regularize the inverse covariance matrix. Isn't the determinant just
the product of singular values (or something like that)? Couldn't we
just take 1/det to get determinant of inverse?
- 6/29/06 - Okay, I think I have a decent FA write-up. Next, the
text model...
- 6/27/06 - Went back and re-read my writings on the "bits-back"
argument: Stochastic encoding
and the ``bits-back'' argument and Encoding
Model Parameters. Certainly would be nice to wrap my head around
this further. But, I think it's going to be a bottleneck if I delve
to deeply. In particular, encoding of parameters requires that we
have two distributions for the parameters: one prior and one
generating. The net encoding length is then the KL-divergence between
these two distributions. I.e. we can't just multiply in the prior as
one would normally do for maximum a posteriori. So, this will require
a somewhat careful treatment. I'd like to discuss the Hinton et
al. argumentation for why FA can be seen as an extension of PCA, and
I'd like to use that as a basis for the addition of the trace norm
- 6/27/06 - The coding framework used by Hinton/Dayan/Revow ties
back to the Hinton/Zemel
MDL/bits-back paper, which I have written about. In this
framework, parameters are transmitted stochastically (additional
motivation for Bayesian statistics/integrating out parameters). The
coding length for parameters is the KL-Divergence between the
transmission distribution and the parameter prior distribution.
- 6/27/06 - Re-reading the Collins/Dasgupta/Schapire
Generalized PCA paper so that I can related trace norm clustering
to clustering w/ Generalized PCA. Included in the paper is a nice
discussion of exponential models. One observation I've heard many
times that is worth committing to memory is the fact that given the
log-likelihood of an exponential model:
log P(x|θ) = log P0(x) + xθ - G(θ),
where θ is the "natural parameter," the derivative of G(θ)
is g(θ) = E[x|θ]. Note that G(θ) = log ∑x
∈ X P0(x) exθ.
- 6/24/06 - Just sent Tommi an e-mail describing what I think I
should do: write up my extension to FA w/ the trace norm prior as a
continuation/extension of the Hinton/Dayan/Revow
work without worrying about the fact that the new posterior isn't
concave (FA likelihood/posterior isn't concave either, so I don't
think I'm making things worse wrt concavity). Probably best to revise
my currently-published FA writing than to start anew (it has some
mistakes I need to correct anyway).
- 6/23/06 - Modification of FA will only have (a chance of)
concave likelihood if we do the parameterization in terms of the
inverse covariance matrix. It's as if we want the inverse covariance
matrix to be the sum of the inverse factor loading matrix plus inverse
noise matrix. 'course, it's not that simple... Maybe I should just
throw in the towel... update my FA write-up describing how one could
extend FA to incorporate a prior on the factor loading matrix and
discuss how this provides a more complete model. But, it's not the
"holy grail" that one might hope for as the resulting model still has
a non-concave posterior. And, optimization may be complicated as I
think the gradient will require a matrix inverse (though on a task
like 8x8 digit recognition, this shouldn't be an issue).
- 6/22/06 - Tommi says: Gaussian likelihood as a function of
inverse covariance is concave. This is a bit troublesome since it's
not the inverse covariance that we're regularizing, but rather the
factor loading matrix, which is added to a diagonal matrix to yield
the covariance matrix. So, the posterior (including the trace norm
prior) would almost certainly not be concave. Maybe this isn't worth
worrying about... though convexity is certainly a significant argument
for why trace norm should be used...
- 6/21/06 - Notes from the Hinton/Dayan/Revow
- Idea is to use mixture of generative(-ish) models to classify
images of digits.
- Their view is that PCA is the simplest model: it only models
the cost of transmitting errors---it ignores the costs of
communicating the principal components (PC), and of communicating the
projections of each data point onto the PC (only the projection
orthogonal to the manifold of PCs is counted in the error).
- Their view of Factor Analysis (FA) is as the next step---FA
accounts for the cost of encoding the data points onto the
factors/components. But, it still doesn't account for the encoding of
the factors/components.
- Another difference between the algorithms is that PCA
effectively assumes equal variance of the different dimension, whereas
FA has parameters to allow for different variances.
- Our extension of FA takes care of the remaining
encoding---the trace norm prior accounts for encoding of the
factors/components. The regularization constant (λ) remains,
but this is insignificant for most applications
- In their FA experiments, they provide some regularization of
the noise parameters (Ψ/ψ). They observe that a single pixel
may be constant in the training data, producing a covariance parameter
of unity. The model will then give zero probability to any image
which does not have the value of the pixel observed in the training
data. To fix this, they add an additional global noise parameter,
which is added to (all components of) ψ. By placing some prior on
ψ, they avoid this undesirable case. Interesting that the simple
hierarchical parameter model easily handles this issue (i.e. if FA
were a model which fully encoded the data and model, it would not have
been necessary to make this "fix").
- 6/20/06 - Okay, I've written up my extension of
Factor Analysis. What now? Well, it might be good to read the Hinton/Dayan/Revow
digit image classification paper to see how FA is used in a practice
and how it compares vs. PCA.
- 6/16/06 - FA assumes that the underlying data is distributed as
a zero-mean Gaussian with rank-limited covariance matrix
ΛTΛ. Additive noise is assumed to take the
form of a zero-mean Gaussian with diagonal covariance matrix. To
elimiate the hard constraint on rank, but encourage a low-rank
covariance matrix, we could extend Λ to full size (n × p)
and impose a trace norm distribution on Λ.
- 6/16/06 - FA is imposes a rank constraint on the
"true"/noise-free data. In contrast, our trace norm version places a
smooth penalty on the sum of singular values of the "true" data,
effectively encouraging low-rank. This is closely relted to "matrix
factorization" applications, which have seen substantial improvements
in inference by moving from a hard rank-constraint to a soft, convex
trace norm penalty.
- 6/16/06 - Factor Analysis is simply a Gaussian model with a
constraint on the covariance matrix. Similar to what has been done
with matrix factorization, we can remove the hard constraint and
replace it with a soft, convex, penalty in the form of the trace norm.
Optimization appears a bit tricky due to the Gaussian distribution
(log-determinant and matrix inverse in the NLL).
- 6/14/06 - There's an interesting connection between factor
analysis and modeling using the trace norm distribution as a prior.
Maryam Fazel's
thesis discusses two rank heuristics: the trace norm and the
log-determinant. Factor analysis uses a multivariate Normal data
likelihood, which includes a log-determinant term. The determinant is
of the covariance matrix, so it might be intepretable as a parameter
prior (though, it appears as part of the normalization constant for
the Gaussian).
- 6/13/06 - The Mixture of Factor Analyzers (MFAs) model is a
mixture of factor analysis models (duh!). Each FA model is allowed to
have a different mean (the mean was subtracted from the data in the
simple FA model). A new parameter vector is introduced to select
between the FA models. As Ghahramani and Hinton note, "The mixture of
factor analyzers is, in essence, a reduced dimensionality mixture of
- 6/13/06 - Factor analysis (FA) is a generative model where each data
variable is the sum of linearly transformed factors (each of which is
unit Normal) and Gaussian noise (zero mean/diagonal covariance). The
dimensionality of the factors must be specified. The parameters to be
learned are the "factor loading matrix" (linear transform from
factor-space to data-space) and the (diagonal) noise covariance
- 6/13/06 - Sounds like the Mixture of Factor Analyzer idea is
very similar to what John and I are doing with trace norm
clustering. The "mixture" part corresponds to clustering; the "factor
analysis" part corresponds to dimensionality reduction within each
- 6/12/06 - Collins/Dasgupta/Shapire paper: PCA finds linear
projection of data points to low-dimensional space which minimizes sum
of squared distances. This is equivalent to assuming that given data
points are original data points perturbed with Gaussian noise
(identity covariance matrix). Their generalization uses this view.
They note that in the generalization, though the low-D parameters will
lie in a linear sub-space, it may not be the same space as the data;
hence, the parameter space may be non-linear in the data space. Good
brief introduction to exponential family models. Useful note:
derivative of partition function is expectation.
Notes: derivative of partition function is expectation; Δ is used to denote the simplex;
- 6/12/06 - There's a Ghahramani/Hinton
tech report on Mixtures of Factor Analyzers.
- 6/12/06 - I figure the Collins/Dasgupta/Shapire
Generalized PCA paper is as good a place to start as any (for
gen. PCA). Might also be worth re-reading Elkan's DCM
paper. There's also a new spectral
clustering paper by Azran & Ghahramani at ICML '06 that might be
worth reading.
- 6/12/06 - k-means is effectively the same as mixture of
gaussians; other mixtures define a different loss function; natural
parameter mixture uses a linear loss.
- 6/12/06 - In order to understand how TNC behaves, it's
important to understand how other clustering algorithms behave. What
are some standard examples? (1) k-means, (2) mixture, (3) generalized
PCA, (4) mixtures of factor analyzers, (5) spectral. #3 and #4 are taken from UAI
review #1.
- 6/11/06 - TNC: Need to compile library of small examples to
exhibit how TNC works. E.g. points at corners of tetrahedron.
Highlight properties: sensitive to outliers (less sensitive to
number of points than least squares).
- 6/8/06 - Maxima doesn't know what to do with this integral:
∫0c xa e-bx dx.
or this one:
∫0∞ xa1 e-b1x dx ∫0x (x2-y2) ya1 e-b1y dy.
- 6/6/06 - The (revised) integral calculations for EP involve
forms that are like (but not identical to) incomplete gamma functions.
One of the simplest integrals we have to solve is
∫0c xa e-bx dx.
The problem is that in the incomplete gamma function, b=1.
- 6/5/06 - Alan and I resolved the issue w/ EP. Integrals we're
doing must be over positive domain. I.e. we forgot the fact that the
singular values are ordered σ1 > ... >
σm. The moment itegrals must be done with the
constraint σi > σj. I.e. these
integrals are (proportional to) incomplete
gamma functions. Matlab implements this as gammainc.
- 6/5/06 - Bekkerman et al. paper:
- Based on Information Bottleneck. Basic idea is to
simultaneously cluster documents and words, whereas earlier IB
clustering work has only clustered documents.
- 6/5/06 - Rest of Today: read Bekkerman et al. paper and write-up notes.
- 6/5/06 - Draft implementation of expectation propagation.
Significant issues with algorithm. Need to talk to Alan. Trace norm
experiments: found a good paper to use as a basis for comparison: the
paper on Distributional Clustering. Experiments on 20 News and
Enron e-mail. There's even a URL for Enron "prepared" data.
- 6/2/06 - Chatted w/ John about what needs to be done to get our
paper in shape for NIPS:
- Text and Biology experiments
- Comparison to other clustering algorithms (esp. mixtures of factor analyzers and generalized PCA)
- Small-scale experiments that provide intuition for how TNC works
- Discuss consistency of normalization constant estimates
- 5/31/06 - From prior meeting w/ Tommi: need to do simple
experiments w/ trace norm clustering to provide intuition. Give
intuition for why it should work, how parameter affects the solutions.
- 5/30/06 - Ignore normalization constants. We start w/ all
αi, βi set to unity. We calculate
the leave-one-out parameters (eq. 7), we calculate integrals using the
LOO parameters (eq. 8-13) (NOTE: this is simple calculation of moments
of Gamma distribution), we update the αi,
βi (eq. 16), and, finally, we update the
˜fi,j paramters (eq. 19-21). Loop until convergence.
Eq. 22 gives methodology for norm. const. calculation.
- 5/30/06 - Maybe the bookkeeping isn't too bad. q(σ) is a
product of the ˜fi,j(σi) and
˜fi,j(σj) terms ∀ i,j.
I.e. we must keep track of {ηi,j},
{εi,j}, and {si,j}. These parameters
are all initialized to unity. For i fixed, q(σi) is
a product of only the ˜fi,j(σi)
- 5/30/06 - So, how do we keep track of all the constants? Seems
like it will require a lot of bookkeeping.
- 5/30/06 - Let
f1(x|α1,β1) and
f2(x|α2,β2) be two Gamma pdf's. The product of these two pdf's is:
f1(x|α1,β1) f2(x|α2,β2) = xα1+α2-2 β1α1 β2α2 e(β1+β2)x/Γ(α1)/Γ(α2).
This is not a Gamma pdf. But, it has the correct form and merely needs to be properly normalized. I.e.
Gamma(x|α1+α2-1,β1+β2) = f1(x|α1,β1) f2(x|α2,β2) (β1+β2)α1+α2-1 Γ(α1) Γ(α2)/Γ(α1+α2-1)/β1α1/β2α2.
- 5/30/06 - Seems like a link to Wikipedia's
Gamma Distribution article is in order.
- 5/30/06 - What Alan means by eq. 3 (product of Gamma pdf's) is
that the ˜fi,j functions are conjugate to the Gamma
pdf. So, when you take the product of all of them, you are left with
a product of Gamma pdf's (plus a constant term corresponding to the
fact that the f's may not be normalized). So, the integrations in
eq. 8, 10, 12 are over Gamma distributions.
- 5/24/06 - Had a chat w/ Alan. Shouldn't be too hard to
implement the EP approximation of the trace norm dist. norm. const.
The approximation distribution is initialized to the gamma part of the
dist. A pair of approximation functions is used to deal with the
difference of square terms---these are each initialized to unity. The
full q is a Gamma. The leave-one-out step yields another Gamma w/
different shape & scale parameters. We compute moments of this
leave-one-out Gamma, then update q by updating fi,j which
is updated by new settings of ηi,j,
εi,j and si.
- 5/24/06 - Draft of chapters 2 & 3 complete, sent to Tommi for
- 5/15/06 - Thesis update: 33 "draft" pages, 44 pages total.
- 5/11/06 - Thesis update: 32 "draft" pages, 43 pages total.
- 5/11/06 - Need to edit the Model 3 and antecedent model
sections, make them consistent with the
CRR problem
- 5/11/06 - Is there really a need for the max-antecedent model?
The regular antecedent model doesn't (as far as I can tell) have a
majority bias. This is because the antecedent decision is made
independently for each mention. The flaw in my prior thinking was
that we had to deal directly with cluster labels. In fact, this is
only the case for learning if the training data does not include
antecedent information. We never need deal with cluster labels for
inference. We can simply determine antecedents and assign clusters
according to antecedent connectivity.
- 5/11/06 - Thesis update: 31 "draft" pages, 45 pages total.
- 5/11/06 - Thesis update: 30 "draft" pages, 46 pages total.
- 5/10/06 - We need to write out the details of learning &
inference for the antecedent model.
- 5/9/06 - For the hybrid model, we would like the antecent model
to use feature values that capture not only the prospective
antecedent, but also the mentions with which it is co-referrent. For
example, if the prospective antecedent is ambiguous about gender or
number, then the co-referrent mentions should be used to determine the
gender or number.
- 5/8/06 - Model 3 and my antecedent model are very similar. In
fact, if you strip constraints from both models, they are identical:
P(y|x) ∝ ∏i,j exp[wTf(xi,xi,yij)].
The key is in the constraints. Model 3 allows only complete edge
graphs, i.e.
yij + yjk + yik ≠ 2.
In contrast, my antecedent model allows at most one outgoing edge per
node/mention (assuming all edges point toward the earlier
mention---mention with lower index),
∑i < j yij ≤ 1.
There's no special form for Model 3, but there is for our antecedent
model. For mention xj, there are j possibilities: either
there is no antecedent or one of x1,...xj-1 is
the chosen antecedent. The probability of having xi as the
antecedent is proportional to the i-j potential. Note that the joint
distribution is a product over pairs. I.e. it's a product of
distributions over edges. Each edge
has it's own
normalization. To calculate the probability that there is no
antecedent, we take one minus...
- 5/1/06 - Today: read over intro & 1st section of chapter 3. Do
light editing as necessary. Then, start working on section 2. Print
out Alan's EP write-up and read on the way home.
- 4/28/06 - Chatted with Alan about an EP approximation for the
trace norm normalization constant. Basic idea is to approximate the
whole thing as a product of gamma distributions. Seems like way too
simple of an approximation to be useful, but there is the possibility
of doing a tree approximation, where the approximation is a product of
terms with one term for each pair of σ's. This has more promise
in my mind, but it also sounds more difficult. Anyway, idea of the
simple EP approximation is to integrate polynomial terms
one-at-a-time, updating the mean and variance of each of the gamma
distribution terms.
- 4/25/06 - Dumped lots of writing into the co-refernce chapter.
41 pages! Woo hoo!
- 4/25/06 - Working on the co-reference resolution chapter. One
thing that would be really helpful is a list of the relevant
write-ups. Here they are:
- Learning how to cluster with application to coreference resolution
- Original formulation
- Each non-terminal noun phrase points to exactly one other
NP (directed graph)
- (Broken!) reinforcement learning interpretation
- (Weak!) mechanism design interpretation
- Transition probability formulation. Transition probability
associated with each directed edge; self-transitions represent
terminal NPs (NPs that don't refer to another NP). Given transition
probability matrix, we can solve via matrix inversion for the matrix
of terminal probabilities (probability that each node will terminate
at a given node).
- Given training data, use maximization of the sum of the
terminal probabilities as the objective. Constrain the transition
probabilities to be log-linear functions of feature vectors. Since
training data doesn't identify "roots," these must be learned as well
(additional parameters).
- Co-reference in a document is almost exclusively from
bottom to top. This solves the root-identification issue. Also,
matrix inversion no longer necessary---use dynamic programming. Can
show "consistency." Instead of sum of probabilities, could use
product, which is closer to traditional loss functions.
- The Equivalence of the Model of McCallum and Wellner (2003) to Minimum Cut and Maximum Inter-Cluster Similarity
- An Extraordinarily Brief Description of a Hybrid Model for Co-reference Resolution
- First description of hybrid model (use (undirected)
McCallum/Wellner for proper NPs, directed model for non-proper NPs).
For each NP, assume all previous cluster labels are known. Goal is to
maximize sum of transition probability that links to NPs with the same
- Learning Parameters for an Antecedent-based Co-reference Resolution Model
- Longer version of "Extraordinarily Brief..."
- Inferring a Noun Phrase Clustering for an Antecedent-based Co-reference Resolution Model
- The sum-objective (which is assumed) prefers to agglomerate
nodes into one big cluster, especially when the transition
probabilities are spread out.
- A greedy algorithm can easily pick the wrong clustering.
Figure 1. Greedy algorithm puts nodes 1 and 2 in different cluster.
But, because node 3 is equally spilt between nodes 1 and 2, it's
better that 1 and 2 are in the same cluster.
- Suggestion is to try multiple greedy approaches.
- A Max-Antecedent Model for Co-reference Resolution
- Flaw in sum-based model: majority bias.
- Propose max-based model: NP is assigned to same cluster as
prior NP with highest similarity/transition probability.
- Clear definition of mathematics of model (equation 1).
- Last two paragraphs are mediocre.
- Learning Parameters for a Max-Antecedent Co-reference Resolution Model
- 1st para: a more careful write-up of the mathematics, including
definition of similarity as a linear function.
- 2nd+ para: note that as w changes, max-antecedent may
change, which is the reason it is only locally convex; good
description of an algorithm to find optimal weights
- Max-Antecedent is Convex Plus Concave
- Title says it all: good note to include in discussion of objective.
- A Hybrid Model for Co-reference Resolution
- sec 1: pretty good introduction to this work
- sec 2: good description of the sum-model (not max-model)
- sec 3: brief discussion of learning issues
- sec 4: argument that using sum in hybrid model is
reasonable b/c we separate learning of proper and non-proper NPs; no
majority bias in
learning because clusters are
already fixed (by proper
model). Majority bias still exists,
but it won't affect number of clusters.
- Optimization of a Locally Convex Objective on Convex Regions
- Lots of gritty details on how one might implement the
max-antecedent optimization.
- A Class of Convex Functions
- I don't think this is realted... might be related to log-log stuff.
- A Max-Margin Best-Previous-Match Coreference Resolution Algorithm
- Good baseline to use for comparison (if I ever do experiments!)
- 4/24/06 - Started a thesis document yesterday. Dumped in the
SIGIR paper, did some editing, dumped in a couple of relevant
write-ups as appendices. Already up to 31 pages (!)
- 4/24/06 - Tom's Hardware has a recent review
of 19" LCD Monitors. The Viewsonic
VX922 takes the prize for quickest response times. The Viewsonic
VP930 seemed to be the best overall monitor.
- 4/18/06 - John seems to have figured out the solution to
minimization of GTN over y. It's very close to my supposed solution,
√(1-x) + √(1+x), but it's not identical. The solution is
y = sin(tan-1(-2*√[1-x2])/2)
Here's matlab code to plot the trace norm:
hold off;
x = 0:0.01:1;
y = sin(atan(-2*sqrt(1-x.^2))./2);
hold on;
When this is compared to the numerical computation (below), the
numerical computation comes out below and lines up well with
√(1-x) + √(1+x). So, this solution must be a local minimum...
- 4/18/06 - To avoid an additional symmetry, might want to do an
r,θ version, x=r&sin;θ, y=r&cos;θ and restrict r
≤ 1. Note that since trace norm is invariant to rotations, it's
invariant to row exchanges, so the case that second row is larger than
first is described by some parameterization where first is larger than
- 4/18/06 - Seems like it wouldn't be too hard to plot the trace
norm for the unconstrained 2-D case. Two observations make our work
easier: (1) the trace norm is invariant to rotation (so the
orientation of the first vector can be arbitrary), and (2) the trace
norm scales as the scale of the matrix, i.e. ||cX||Σ
= c||X||Σ (so the magnitude of the first vector can
be arbitrary). The X matrix is
We use w to parameterize the basis matrix, V,
Lengths in the basis directions are:
| X1 | X2 | Length |
V1 | w | xw + y√(1-w2) | √{w2 + y2 - y2w2 + x2w2 + 2xyw√(1-w2)} |
V2 | √(1-w2) | x√(1-w2) - yw | √{1 - w2 + x2 - x2w2 + y2w2 - 2xyw√(1-w2)} |
The maple code used to make the above calculations:
a := w;
b := x*w + y*sqrt(1-w^2);
a := sqrt(1-w^2);
b := x*sqrt(1-w^2)-y*w;
Here's how you calculate the trace norm of X (over x ∈ [-1,1],
y ∈ [-1,1]):
n = 51;
x = ones(2*n-1,2*n-1,2*n-1);
y = ones(2*n-1,2*n-1,2*n-1);
w = ones(2*n-1,2*n-1,2*n-1);
z = ones(2*n-1,2*n-1,2*n-1);
for a=1:(2*n-1)
for b=1:(2*n-1)
for c=1:(2*n-1)
xx = (a-n)/(n-1);
yy = (b-n)/(n-1);
ww = (c-n)/(n-1);
x(a,b,c) = xx;
y(a,b,c) = yy;
w(a,b,c) = ww;
bl1 = sqrt(ww^2 + yy^2 + xx^2*ww^2 - yy^2*ww^2 + 2*xx*yy*ww*sqrt(1-ww^2));
bl2 = sqrt(1 - ww^2 + xx^2 - xx^2*ww^2 + yy^2*ww^2 - 2*xx*yy*ww*sqrt(1-ww^2));
z(a,b,c) = bl1 + bl2;
[zz,ww] = min(z,[],3);
zlabel('trace norm');
Here's the plot:
The trace norm plot where both vectors of X are unit length
corresponds to values of the above plot as you trace a unit circle in
the xy plane.
- 4/17/06 - Okay, here's an attempt to make sense of one of these
plots. Assume we have two unit-length vectors. Wlog, we can assume
that one of them is (1,0). The other is (x,√(1-x2)).
To calculate the trace norm, we must establish a basis. The first
basis vector determines the basis: (y,√(1-y2)). The
second basis vector is (√(1-y2),-y).
1st vector | (1,0) |
2nd vector | (x,√(1-x2)) |
1st basis | (y,√(1-y2)) |
2nd basis | (√(1-y2),-y) |
Lengths in the basis directions are:
| 1st vector | 2nd vector | Total Length |
1st basis | y | xy + √[(1-x2)(1-y2)] | √{1 - x2 + 2x2y2 + 2xy√(1-x2)√(1-y2)} |
2nd basis | √(1-y2) | x√(1-y2) - y√(1-x2) | √{1 + x2 - 2x2y2 - 2xy√(1-x2)√(1-y2)} |
The maple code used to make the above calculations:
a := y;
b := x*y + sqrt((1-x^2)*(1-y^2));
a := sqrt(1-y^2);
b := x*sqrt(1-y^2)-y*sqrt(1-x^2);
Here's a plot of (what I call) the genearlized trace norm
(sum of singular values, using basis vectors as the singular
vectors---minimum over bases is the actual trace norm):
Note that the above plot is symmetrical about
the origin. Bottom left is y-axis. Bottom right is x-axis. Left is
z-axis. Here's the plot of x vs. trace norm (minimum over y-axis of
above plot):
Note that this is identical to the plot of √x + √(2-x) for x
∈ [0,2]. Here's the matlab code used to generate the plots:
hold off;
n = 101;
x = ones(2*n-1,2*n-1);
y = ones(2*n-1,2*n-1);
z = ones(2*n-1,2*n-1);
for a=1:(2*n-1)
for b=1:(2*n-1)
xx = (a-n)/(n-1);
yy = (b-n)/(n-1);
x(a,b) = xx;
y(a,b) = yy;
bl1 = sqrt(1 - xx^2 + 2*xx^2*yy^2 + 2*xx*yy*sqrt(1-yy^2)*sqrt(1-xx^2));
bl2 = sqrt(1 + xx^2 - 2*xx^2*yy^2 - 2*xx*yy*sqrt(1-yy^2)*sqrt(1-xx^2));
z(a,b) = bl1 + bl2;
% trace norm calculation
[zz,yy] = min(z,[],2);
ylabel('trace norm');
hold on;
x = 0:0.01:2;
- 4/16/06 - Each singular value is the length of a vector. The
components of that vector are the dot-products of each data vector
with the corresponding singular vector.
- 4/16/06 - What is our x-axis variable? Lengths in the
different directions. Is that what the singular values are? Well,
not exactly.
- 4/16/06 - Hmm... what about each of n vectors has fixed length,
but their orientations are allowed to change? That's even more
restrictive than constant Fro norm.
- 4/16/06 - Now, what's the scenario? Three vectors, and the
frobenius norm of the stacked matrix is one. I.e. sum of squared
entries of the vectors is one. Should it be Fro norm equals 1, or sum
of lengths of vectors equals 1? Should be sum of vector lengths is
- 4/16/06 - What about a 3-D plot? Let x ∈ [0,1], y ∈
[0,1-x], f(x,y) = √x + √y + √(1-x-y). Here's what
f(x,y) looks like:
Here's the matlab code to generate the plot:
n = 101;
x = ones(n,n);
y = ones(n,n);
z = ones(n,n);
for a=1:n
for b=1:n
x(a,b) = (a-1)/n;
y(a,b) = (b-1)/n;
if a+b <= n
z(a,b) = sqrt((a-1)/n)+sqrt((b-1)/n)+sqrt(1-(a-1)/n-(b-1)/n);
z(a,b) = 1;
- 4/16/06 - Let x ∈ [0,1]. Let f(x) = √x +
√(1-x). Here's what f(x) looks like:
Here's the matlab code to generate the plot:
- 4/14/06 - Hrm... trace norm is actually similar to entropy and
sine. Let c be the frobenius norm of the matrix. Plot the square
root function from 0 to c. Draw a straight line from (0,0) to
(c,√c). Rotate until this straight line is horizontal. Similar
to entropy and sine, no? :) Here's how you generate it (c=10), with
entropy & sine too, so that end points and max height align:
hold off;
x = 0:0.01:10;
tnmax = max(sqrt(x)+sqrt(10-x)-sqrt(10));
plot(x,(sqrt(x)+sqrt(10-x)-sqrt(10))./tnmax,'b'); % trace norm
entmax = max(-x/10.*log(x/10)-(10-x)/10.*log((10-x)/10));
hold on;
plot(x,(-x/10.*log(x/10)-(10-x)/10.*log((10-x)/10))./entmax,'r'); % entropy
x = (0:pi/100:pi)*10/pi;
Here's the plot itself:
Trace norm is in blue, entropy is in red, sine is in green. All are
scaled to unit max and (0,10) endpoints. A nice way of communicating
this connection might be via the derivatives. Also, would be good to
establish this alternate entropy as its own thing before making the
connection to trace norm.
- 4/14/06 - Trace norm: quantity under the square root sign(s)
remains constant. How it is broken up between square roots determines
the value. And, the most "separated" case is where the value for each
vector has its own square root (case where trace norm is sum of vector
lengths). Each vector has a set of values to which it corresponds
that sum to the square of the length of the vector. When vectors are
orthogonal, the calculation is
Σi √||Xi||2
When the vectors are not orthogonal, values are moved around. We're
still taking the square roots of values that sum to a constant, but
we're taking roots of larger and smaller quantities. Due to concavity
of the square root, we end up with a smaller value.
- 4/12/06 - Tommi agrees that we can't learn mean parameters by
maximizing the likelihood subject to a constraint on the parameter
matrix (e.g. trace norm equals 1).
- 4/12/06 - Okay, I had it wrong with respect to the area/volume
calculation Tommi and I talked about. Assume that X is square and
XTX=XXT (condition required for determinant
identity). Then, the unnormalized trace norm prior is one over the
absolute value of the product of exponentiated eigenvalues. The
determinant identity, det(X)=prod(eig(X)) gives us
e-||X||Σ = |det(e-X)|. But,
this still isn't an area/volume. Only reason it's a product is
because of the exponentiation. Within the exponent, it's a sum of
singular values/absolute values of eigenvalues. Still not sure if
there's anything interesting here...
- 4/11/06 - Does the transform between X and Θ for the mean
parameters preserve angles in some way? In 2-D, it preserves
sinθ. But, it seems like this might not be the case in higher
dimensions. Would be good to do a write-up giving some intuition for
the trace norm.
- 4/10/06 - I'd like to be able to sit down with an experienced
text researcher and explain to them why the trace norm makes sense in
the context of text. How does it related to traditional similarity
measures used in text research?
- 4/10/06 - Might be of value to look at angle measurements and
see if we can relate the trace norm to any of them. For example, find
the vectors such that the sum of sinθ between the chosen vector
and all other vectors is minimized. Another: chose the optimal
ordering to minimize the following sum: sine of angle between 1st and
2nd vector, plus sine of angle between 3rd vector and line through 1st
and 2nd vectors, plus sine of angle between 4th vector and plane
defined by 1st three vectors, etc.
- 4/10/06 - Chatted with Tommi. We're back to the natural
parameterization. In fact, Tommi noted that there may be a connection
to volume with the trace norm of the natural parameter matrix. He
noted that for a square matrix e-||X||Σ =
det(e-X). Note that the determinant is closely related to
volume as it is the product of the eigenvalues of the matrix. We
might be able to relate e-X to the mean parameters.
Though, now that I've had a second chance to look at it, I'm not so
sure. First, the sign is wrong (mean parameters are of the form
ex). Second, mean parameters exponentiate the individual
values, not the eignenvalues (which is what happens with matrix
exponentiation). Trace norm is more closely related to the sum of
lengths of sides of the smallest bounding cube (though this still
isn't a particularly good characterization).
- 4/7/06 - After having written about why using natural
parameterization with the trace norm prior, I now am unsure of myself.
I thought it was bad because documents with opposite topics would
yield a relatively low trace norm. But, this is only the case if you
assume a fixed "origin." If you allow the origin to be optimized,
this phenomenon is not observed---two close document yield lower
trace norm than two "opposite" documents of similar length.
- 4/5/06 - Some observations:
- The trace norm prior has a heavy tail since the negative
exponent is length (much flatter than a Gaussian-type distribution).
However, using it as a prior on a matrix of multinomial parameters
(unit Euclidean length normalized per row), this aspect of the
distribution is (nearly?) inneffectual since we are considering points
that are approximately the same distance away from the origin. To
take advantage of this flat-ness, with respect to how term frequencies
are distributed, we would need to apply it more directly to the term
frequency data (or maybe use a likelihood model that is similar to the
multinomial, but includes expected document length in the parameter).
- It is appropriate to use one multinomial model per document,
as the document is not clearly more finely divided. Multinomial can
accurate model a single TF vector. It's only accurate for multiple TF
vectors if they were really generated from multinomials (or some
similarly heavy-tailed distribution).
- Integrating exp(-||X||Σ) over matrices with
unit row lengths is not going to be an easy task... After doing the
change of variables to SVD, what are the limits of integration?!?!?
- 4/5/06 - Can we use a trace norm prior on the multinomial
parameters? Only issue is: how do we constrain row lengths to 1? The
trace norm of a matrix of multinomial mean parameters does give a good
sense of the rank of the matrix. Though, there is the L1 vs. L2
issue. Would give a better sense of rank if each row were L2
normalized (rather than L1 normalized). What if we were to constrain
to positive and L2 length 1, then renormalize to L1 length of 1 for
the likelihood?
- 4/5/06 - The α parameters in LDA simply affect the
per-document multinomial distribution over topics. They directly
impact how often each topic is selected. This simply allows LDA to
fit the data, it doesn't seem to provide any useful generalization
power. LDA uses a Dirichlet prior on the topic indicators, not
directly on the opics themselves. What if we were to place a prior
directly on the topics? Say we place a trace norm prior on the
multinomial parameters. Is this like placing a prior directly on the
topics? I think so.
- 4/5/06 - It makes no sense to do trace norm clustering on
natural parameters of the multinomial. Low-norm clustering of the
natural parameters encourages topical opposites to be in the same
cluster! Is there a trace norm based clustering that makes
sense? The trace norm is a generalization of the gamma distribution
(with k=1). And, normalized output from a gamma distribution are
distributed like a Dirichlet. Only issue is that there are no
parameters to control the trace norm distribution like there are to
control the Gamma. Are the Gamma parameters necessary and/or useful?
They serve as topic priors/weights in LDA.
- 4/4/06 - Ah ha! Low-norm natural parameter clustering is
terrible for text because it encourages topically opposite documents
to be placed in the same cluster. In natural parameterization, a
document's opposite is simply its negation. Hence, an algorithm with
the goal of creating low-rank clusters would combine opposites. Not
good! Might actually make more sense to use the mean
- 4/4/06 - There are three basic types of clustering algorithms:
(1) center-based (e.g. k-means), (2) spectral (e.g. Ng/Jordan/Weiss NIPS paper), (3) low-rank (trace norm
clustering). Question we need to answer: is low-rank clustering the
appropriate thing for text? Is small angle between data points more
important than small distance?
- 4/4/06 - One thing MMMF provides us with is a set of
topics/themes. These are the rows of ΣVT. U
specifies the composition of each item in terms of "topics." Rows of
U are points on the sphere. We could do a k-means type
clustering on the rows of U to arrange points into "flat" clusters.
Think of trace norm clustering as being a generalization of
center-based clustering algorithms? Center-based clustering is a
subroutine of trace norm clustering.
- 4/4/06 - Doesn't the SVD provide us with the optimal rotation
matrix? Optimal rotation would put top k1 singular values
in 1st cluster, second k2 s.v.'s in 2nd cluster, etc.
Hmm... this does not sound like a very good way to cluster...
- 4/4/06 - How do I determine the best allocation of data into
fixed size clusters? Say you have a 3 × d matrix and you take
the trace norm of the first two rows plus the trace norm (Euclidean
norm) of the last row. What if you allow a rotation of the matrix?
The rotation won't change the trace norm of the full matrix, but it
will affect the sum of individual trace norms. One idea for fast,
approximate learning of allocation of data into fixed slzed clusters
is to a rotation matrix that yields the smallest sum of trace norms.
Then, "clip" values so that there is one "1" in every column/row.
- 4/4/06 - In order to do bottom-up clustering properly, we need
to find the "critical points"---the values of λ for which
multiple clusterings are equally good. The simplest explanation of
how to do bottom-up clustering is to calculate the score for each
clustering as a function of λ, then increase λ from zero
toward ∞, noting the clustering with maximum probability at each
value of λ.
- 4/3/06 - I need to modularize the clustering code. I have a
function to calculate the negative log-likelihood ("score"). But,
it's not general. m3fScore needs to accept a number of parameters:
- Data
- Log normalization constant values
- Objective/derivative function
- Size of parameter space
- Lambda
- 4/3/06 - Before I embark on the hierarchical model, I think I
should do the simple, obvious thing of comparing smoothed log-odds
frequency rates of words for each cluster. This will give us a
quick-and-dirty way of inspecting each cluster. I should also
implement bottom-up clustering.
- 4/3/06 - This "alternate parameterization" I'm thinking of
doing for the natural parameter multinomial is really just the hierarchical
model Tommi and I talked about last Sept./Oct.
- 3/31/06 - For 95% confidence interval, why can't we just find
the middle 95% range of values? Why would we want to do a Normal
- 3/31/06 - In his Weighted Low Rank Approximation
paper, Nati discusses (in section 3) the idea of low-rank Logistic
Regression (and related techniques). He also has discussion (in
section 2.1) of the optimization surface of matrix factorization
problems---closely related to the optimization problems we're
- 3/31/06 - Subtracting mean is exactly like subtracting
magnitude of (1,1,1,...,1) vector. Since we are only subtracting the
actual magnitude compoonent, we always decrease the length.
Similarly, for SVD, we decrease the magnitude of each singular value
by the corresponding magnitude in the (1,1,1,...,1) direction. Might
need to adjust the basis to get the correct singular values, but
readjusting like this always decreases trace norm. So, yes,
subtracting mean decreases the trace norm.
- 3/31/06 - Will subtracting the mean from all rows of a matrix
always decrease its trace norm? This is certainly true for a vector,
since trace norm is just length :) Though, how do we show that
subtracting mean is certain to reduce length? Subtracting vector mean
is like separating the vector into two components, (1) parallel, and
(2) perpendicular, to the (1,1,1,...,1) vector. The perpendicular is
certainly shorter than then entire vector (since it has no parallel
- 3/31/06 - Seems that it would be good to "center" the natural
parameter values. Currently, they're affected by the frequency with
which the word occurs. A common word will have all positive values; a
rare word might have all negative vales. Note that a zero value
corresponds to frequency equal to 1/V, where V is size of vocabulary.
- 3/27/06 - Read the first three chapters of Thomas Minka's
thesis on Expectation Propagation. I don't think EP will be
useful for estimating the trace norm distribution partition function,
at least if we were to use a Gaussian as the approximate distribution.
Trouble is that the Gaussian approximation can't deal well with a
distribution with multiple modes. Minka includes a specific example
of this, showing poor performance from EP (along with most methods).
Importance sampling is the top-performing methods (which is what we
are currently using). Possibly worth noting is the fact that the
variational approach he uses performs poorly.
- 3/27/06 - ICA assumes that there are n independent components
that are linearly mixed. ICA tries to identify those independent
components. One might view trace norm clustering as a generalization
of (PCA-style) ICA. Trace norm clustering assumes that there the
components are grouped such that each group is independent of the
others, but that components within each group are highly dependent.
Learning of the linear transform can be thought of as the clustering
operation (esp. if the linear transform matrix is required to have
orthonormal or probabilistic columns/rows).
- 3/26/06 - ICA is related to trace norm clustering, but the tie
is somewhat loose. In ICA, the goal is to find a linear transform, W,
of a random vector, x, so that components of the output, s=Ax, are
"independent". ICA is not a fixed, standard algorithm because people
have devised many different ways of estimating independence. In
practice, x is not a variable, but rather samples from a variable.
I.e. in reality, we're given a matrix X and we want to find a linear
transform W so that the rows of S=WX are "independent." Note that PCA
is an ICA method where the notion of independence is orthogonality (or
uncorrelated, after having subtracted the mean from each row).
- 3/24/06 - Chatted with Alan. He said this looks a lot like
ICA. We need to look at ICA and compare. What's similar, what's
different. Alan noted that ICA can deal with the case of not
completely orthogonal components. He also suggested that we look at
using expectation propagation for solving the partition function. He
says that it handles each difference term one-at-a-time, incorporating
each into a single nth order polynomial-type term.
- 3/24/06 - Tommi suggests that it might be valuable to provide a
negative result for clustering, along with a good explanation of why
(with the corresponding intuitions). I.e. go ahead with the
clustering experiments on the chowhound data. Try it at various
levels of granularity---sentence, post, thread---and report on how
well it works. Also, compare vs. other dimensionality
reduction/clustering methods.
- 3/23/06 - Remember that for chowhound data, we are treating
each thread as a post---might even be worth looking at segmentation at
the post level (is the reply on the same topic?).
- 3/23/06 - Problem with the topic segmentation task is that a
quick look at the data tells me that it's not useful/interesting.
There is relatively little topic-switching within a message and I
think it would be difficult to identify using only term frequency
statistics. NLP cues look much more important for finding topic
- 3/23/06 - Goals for today: (1) prepare chowhound data for topic
segmentatoin task, (2) read group meeting paper.
- 3/22/06 - Okay, my original reasoning was correct. The
inequality over normalization constants does hold. Note that we are
integrating over ℜ10 × 10. No issue breaking up
the integral b/c all limits of integration are all [0,∞). As
long as log Z is always non-negative, then the larger matrix always
has the larger normalization constant.
- 3/22/06 - Ah ha! But, we can prove my "gut" correct using the
basic trace norm inequality. Let X ∈ ℜ10 ×
10 and let X1 and X2 be a partitioning of
X so that X = [X1; X2]. Then,
||X||Σ ≤ ||X1||Σ +
||X2||Σ and log Z(X) ≥ log
Z(X1) + log Z(X2). The last inequality is true
b/c the integrals are over the same volumes. ACK! No they're not!
The limits of integration differ! Argh!
- 3/22/06 - Something I've been taking for granted may not be
true. While it is true that the trace norm of a matrix is always less
than the sum of trace norms of any partitioning, and that the reverse
relation holds for the corresponding log-normalization constants, it
is not true that there is a clear relationship between normalization
constants for different size matrices. Consider Z10 ×
10 and Z10 × 9. My gut says that Z10
× 10 ≥ Z10 × 9. But, (1) a 10 ×
10 matrix which is a row update of a 10 × 9 matrix will always
have a larger trace norm (than the 10 × 9 matrix), and (2) the
integrals are over different volumes, so they aren't directly
- 3/22/06 - I need to re-focus on the application/task-at-hand.
Recall topic segmentation by sentence. How do we make this work? One
thing we could try would be to perform clustering on the rows produced
by MMMF (NLL is loss function). I'm kinda bummed about the trace norm
clustering stuff---that damn normalization constant is too hard to
calculate! I suspect that the method of sampling to estimate doesn't
work very well. And the variational approximation isn't implemented
- 3/20/06 - While working on the paper, John & I more-or-less
determined that the normalization constant is too difficult to
calculate in order for its use to be practical. We also determined
that it may be relatively easy to put bounds on the norm. const. for
different size partitionings. Let X ∈ ℜk × n where n is fixed. Let
Zk = ∫ exp(-||X||) dX
be the normalizing constant of the trace norm distribution for X.
Adding a non-zero row to a matrix increases its trace norm, so clearly
Zk < Zk+1. We have examined log-normalization
constants for straddled clusters. Let k > 1. We have observed that
log Zk + log Zl < log Zk-1 + log Zl+1
I.e. there is a natural order over partitioning sizes that is
determined by the normalization constant. We are intent on proving
this inequality generally. This would greatly reduce our need to
calculate the normalization constant, as we could eliminate many
partioning sizes as impossible due to a more fine and more coarse
clustering having better objective via this inequality.
- 3/20/06 - We submitted a paper to UAI! Woo hoo!